February 2, 2023

Basic overview of Xero Tracking Codes

Xero Accounting Software allows users to allocate any number of Tracking Codes to transactions within your accounting records. This allows for additional reporting capabilities without the need to endlessly expand the number of account codes within your Chart of Accounts. This could be used for reporting on different business units, regions, customer demographics and more.

The concept works where a user can create a Tracking Category (such as Region), and within this category they will then create Tracking Options (such as North, South, East, West).

After setting it up the bookkeeper can assign these Tracking Options to transactions as they post them to Xero within their usual bookkeeping cycle.

How these Tracking Options feed through to Excel

Whilst the user interface of Xero will allow accountants to create an unlimited amount of Tracking Categories and Tracking Options, the Xero API (the interface that Accounting.BI uses to transfer the data to Excel) only allows the filtering of 2 Tracking Categories.

This means after you have established your connection to Xero via Accounting.BI the data will sync with the Tracking Options for the first and second Tracking Categories you select within the user interface of Accounting.BI. These will be displayed in columns I & J.

It important when building your reports that you understand the structure of the data that is loaded to excel with your Tracking Options. The amount assigned to the 'Total' value is the sum of all the transactions for the given account code shown in Column G, this should directly reconcile back to the amount shown in the user interface of Xero when you run a Profit & Loss report for the relevant period without applying a filter for any tracking codes. The other values in Column I & J represent the value of transactions with the specific tracking options applied.

Note - the example below show a dual filter, where for example the 5636.17 represent the sum of the transactions for the period where both Test3 & Overseas Tracking Options have been applied. It is important to note that if you do not use this dual filter and only want to report a single list of options for a given Tracking Category, you may have a different value.

To connect your Xero reports to excel sign up ( to Accounting.BI

For further enquiries, reach out to us.

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